Long Distance Relationship: How To Make It Work

Day to Day Scenario of a Couple that has Long Distance Relationship
Many people, or say couples today are sceptical regarding long distance relationships. If we go and ask anyone about long distance relationships, or LDR as they’re normally referred to, a common unified voice will be– they simply don’t work. And to a large extent, that’s true. A very common reason cited by people ending their relationships today is that they stay far from each other, at different places, and are just not able to keep it up, especially at the times of adversity. Even your family and friends today are more likely to advise you against going for an LDR.
Eating at the same table – picking food from each other’s plates, those small walks while holding each other’s hands, the movie dates, coffee shop waits – two people in LDR are always going to miss such things.
Well, it’s a universal fact today that the extra distance makes a lot of things unachievable and we are not saying that it’s easy; but, small-small efforts and tiny bits of surprises can go a long way in easing out the pain of an LDR.
Here are some of those little things that can help you make it through your LDR.
Put A Little Brake On Your Communication

Communication is the Key for Long Lasting Relationship
A lot of people are of the view that just because they are in a long-distance relationship, in order to make up for the distance, they need to talk more and more often. Well sadly, this might not be the correct way to go about if you’re in an LDR. If at all, it could only make matters worse, because at one point you’re going to get tired of it. Give your partner the space that one needs as communicating 12 hours a day might seem very exciting in the beginning, the fun might get lost soon.
At The Same Time, Try To Communicate Regularly And Creatively
Confused!! Well, what we’re trying to say is that you need to refrain from talking long hours but you need to talk regularly. Wishing each other a “good morning” and a “good night” everyday is a good way to start things off. On top of this, make it a habit of updating your partner on the small-small happenings of your everyday life, no matter how mundane it sounds.
The Golden Rule: Setting Of Ground Rules
Setting ground rules before stepping into any sort of relationship is quite necessary, and when it comes to LDRs, it becomes sort of a mandate. Ground rules tend to managing expectations in a better way. Both of you need to be absolutely clear of what to expect from each other, as you’re not together to calm each other, if and when things go out of hand.
Setting ground rules could help you in not doing things that might come off as an unpleasant surprise for your partner. If you know that going partying/ drinking with your friends, might displease your partner, either tell your partner beforehand to reassure him/ her or not do it at all.
The Joy Of Doing Things Together
This one thing is going to immensely help you in maintaining your LDR and you just cannot imagine the advantages it can outlay. Playing online games together, watching videos on YouTube together, singing to each other on Skype calls, taking a walk outside while video calling and much more. There are a lot of similar things that can be done together, to keep the fun alive, with the only criteria being that you need to put some efforts and be as much creative as possible. Doing the same stuff time and again, might soon become boring.
The Case With Weird Selfies, Meaningless Audio Clips & Non-Sensical Small Videos
Another small step that can help you here is bringing a smile at your partner’s face by doing all sorts of funny and weird things. Click a random selfie of doing weird things or being in weird positions or making funny faces and send it to him/ her at the right moments.
Record yourself while singing in the most bizarre of tones and make your partner listen to it and mockingly tell him/ her to appreciate it. Record funny small videos of things which make absolutely no sense and make him/ her watch it. Sending gifts is also an option. The bottom line here is making your presence felt creative when you’re not around.